
PostProcessor.get_scalar_field_value(quantity_name, scalar_function='Maximum', solution=None, variation_dict=None, isvector=False, intrinsics=None, phase=None, object_name='AllObjects', object_type='volume', adjacent_side=False)[source]#

Use the field calculator to Compute Scalar of a Field.


Name of the quantity to export. For example, "Temp".

scalar_functionstr, optional

The name of the scalar function. For example, "Maximum", "Integrate". The default is "Maximum".

solutionstr, optional

Name of the solution in the format "solution : sweep". The default is None.

variation_dictdict, optional

Dictionary of all variation variables with their values. e.g. ['power_block:=', ['0.6W'], 'power_source:=', ['0.15W']] The default is None.

isvectorbool, optional

Whether the quantity is a vector. The default is False.

intrinsicsstr, optional

This parameter is mandatory for a frequency field calculation. The default is None.

phasestr, optional

Field phase. The default is None.

object_namestr, optional

Name of the object. For example, "Box1". The default is "AllObjects".

object_typestr, optional

Type of the object - "volume", "surface", "point". The default is "volume".

adjacent_sidebool, optional

To query quantity value on adjacent side for object_type = “surface”, pass True. The default is False.


True when successful, False when failed.


>>> oModule.EnterQty
>>> oModule.CopyNamedExprToStack
>>> oModule.CalcOp
>>> oModule.EnterQty
>>> oModule.EnterVol
>>> oModule.ClcEval
>>> GetTopEntryValue