Go to the end to download the full example code.
Q2D: Cable parameter identification#
This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to perform these tasks:
Create a Q2D design using the Modeler primitives and importing part of the geometry.
Set up the entire simulation.
Link the solution to a Simplorer design.
For cable information, see 4 Core Armoured Power Cable
Perform required imports#
import ansys.aedt.core
import math
Set AEDT version#
Set AEDT version.
aedt_version = "2024.2"
Initialize core strand dimensions and positions#
Initialize cable sizing - radii in mm.
c_strand_radius = 2.575
cable_n_cores = 4
core_n_strands = 6
core_xlpe_ins_thickness = 0.5
core_xy_coord = math.ceil(3 * c_strand_radius + 2 * core_xlpe_ins_thickness)
Initialize filling and sheath dimensions#
Initialize radii of further structures incrementally adding thicknesses.
filling_radius = 1.4142 * (core_xy_coord + 3 * c_strand_radius + core_xlpe_ins_thickness + 0.5)
inner_sheath_radius = filling_radius + 0.75
armour_thickness = 3
armour_radius = inner_sheath_radius + armour_thickness
outer_sheath_radius = armour_radius + 2
Initialize armature strand dimensions#
Initialize radii.
armour_centre_pos = inner_sheath_radius + armour_thickness / 2.0
arm_strand_rad = armour_thickness / 2.0 - 0.2
n_arm_strands = 30
Initialize dictionaries#
Initialize dictionaries that contain all the definitions for the design variables and output variables.
core_params = {
"n_cores": str(cable_n_cores),
"n_strands_core": str(core_n_strands),
"c_strand_radius": str(c_strand_radius) + 'mm',
"c_strand_xy_coord": str(core_xy_coord) + 'mm'
outer_params = {
"filling_radius": str(filling_radius) + 'mm',
"inner_sheath_radius": str(inner_sheath_radius) + 'mm',
"armour_radius": str(armour_radius) + 'mm',
"outer_sheath_radius": str(outer_sheath_radius) + 'mm'
armour_params = {
"armour_centre_pos": str(armour_centre_pos) + 'mm',
"arm_strand_rad": str(arm_strand_rad) + 'mm',
"n_arm_strands": str(n_arm_strands)
Initialize Q2D#
Initialize Q2D, providing the version, path to the project, and the design name and type.
project_name = 'Q2D_ArmouredCableExample'
q2d_design_name = '2D_Extractor_Cable'
setup_name = "MySetupAuto"
sweep_name = "sweep1"
tb_design_name = 'CableSystem'
q2d = ansys.aedt.core.Q2d(project=project_name, design=q2d_design_name, version=aedt_version)
C:\actions-runner\_work\_tool\Python\3.10.9\x64\lib\ ResourceWarning: subprocess 3076 is still running
_warn("subprocess %s is still running" %,
C:\actions-runner\_work\pyaedt\pyaedt\.venv\lib\site-packages\ansys\aedt\core\generic\ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='D:\\Temp\\pyaedt_ansys_260622a4-692f-48cc-bef3-b1a76554a3cc.log' mode='a' encoding='cp1252'>
self.__logger = val
Define variables from dictionaries#
Define design variables from the created dictionaries.
for k, v in core_params.items():
q2d[k] = v
for k, v in outer_params.items():
q2d[k] = v
for k, v in armour_params.items():
q2d[k] = v
Create object to access 2D modeler#
Create the mod2D
object to access the 2D modeler easily.
mod2D = q2d.modeler
mod2D.model_units = "mm"
Initialize required material properties#
Cable insulators require the definition of specific materials since they are not included in the Sys Library. Plastic, PE (cross-linked, wire, and cable grade)
mat_pe_cable_grade = q2d.materials.add_material("plastic_pe_cable_grade")
mat_pe_cable_grade.conductivity = "1.40573e-16"
mat_pe_cable_grade.permittivity = "2.09762"
mat_pe_cable_grade.dielectric_loss_tangent = "0.000264575"
# Plastic, PP (10% carbon fiber)
mat_pp = q2d.materials.add_material("plastic_pp_carbon_fiber")
mat_pp.conductivity = "0.0003161"
Create geometry for core strands, filling, and XLPE insulation#
mod2D.create_coordinate_system(['c_strand_xy_coord', 'c_strand_xy_coord', '0mm'], name='CS_c_strand_1')
c1_id = mod2D.create_circle(['0mm', '0mm', '0mm'], 'c_strand_radius', name='c_strand_1', material='copper')
c2_id = c1_id.duplicate_along_line(vector=['0mm', '2.0*c_strand_radius', '0mm'], nclones=2)
mod2D.duplicate_around_axis(c2_id, axis="Z", angle=360 / core_n_strands, clones=6)
c_unite_name = mod2D.unite(q2d.get_all_conductors_names())
fill_id = mod2D.create_circle(['0mm', '0mm', '0mm'], '3*c_strand_radius', name='c_strand_fill',
fill_id.color = (255, 255, 0)
xlpe_id = mod2D.create_circle(['0mm', '0mm', '0mm'], '3*c_strand_radius+' + str(core_xlpe_ins_thickness) + 'mm',
xlpe_id.color = (0, 128, 128)
all_obj_names = q2d.get_all_conductors_names() + q2d.get_all_dielectrics_names()
mod2D.duplicate_around_axis(all_obj_names, axis="Z", angle=360 / cable_n_cores, clones=4)
cond_names = q2d.get_all_conductors_names()
Create geometry for filling object#
filling_id = mod2D.create_circle(['0mm', '0mm', '0mm'], 'filling_radius', name='Filling',
filling_id.color = (255, 255, 180)
Create geometry for inner sheath object#
inner_sheath_id = mod2D.create_circle(['0mm', '0mm', '0mm'], 'inner_sheath_radius', name='InnerSheath',
material='PVC plastic')
inner_sheath_id.color = (0, 0, 0)
Create geometry for armature fill#
arm_fill_id = mod2D.create_circle(['0mm', '0mm', '0mm'], 'armour_radius', name='ArmourFilling',
arm_fill_id.color = (255, 255, 255)
Create geometry for outer sheath#
outer_sheath_id = mod2D.create_circle(['0mm', '0mm', '0mm'], 'outer_sheath_radius', name='OuterSheath',
material='PVC plastic')
outer_sheath_id.color = (0, 0, 0)
Create geometry for armature steel strands#
arm_strand_1_id = mod2D.create_circle(['0mm', 'armour_centre_pos', '0mm'], '1.1mm', name='arm_strand_1',
arm_strand_1_id.color = (128, 128, 64)
arm_strand_1_id.duplicate_around_axis('Z', '360deg/n_arm_strands', clones='n_arm_strands')
arm_strand_names = mod2D.get_objects_w_string('arm_strand')
Create region#
region = q2d.modeler.create_region([500, 500, 500, 500])
region.material_name = "vacuum"
Assign conductors and reference ground#
obj = [q2d.modeler.get_object_from_name(i) for i in cond_names]
[q2d.assign_single_conductor(assignment=i, name='C1' + str(obj.index(i) + 1), conductor_type='SignalLine') for i
in obj]
obj = [q2d.modeler.get_object_from_name(i) for i in arm_strand_names]
q2d.assign_single_conductor(assignment=obj, name="gnd", conductor_type="ReferenceGround")
Assign design settings#
lumped_length = "100m"
q2d_des_settings = q2d.design_settings
q2d_des_settings['LumpedLength'] = lumped_length
Insert setup and frequency sweep#
q2d_setup = q2d.create_setup(name=setup_name)
q2d_sweep = q2d_setup.add_sweep(name=sweep_name)
Analyze setup#
# q2d.analyze(name=name)
Add a Simplorer/Twin Builder design and the Q3D dynamic component#
tb = ansys.aedt.core.TwinBuilder(design=tb_design_name)
Add a Q3D dynamic component#
tb.add_q3d_dynamic_component(project_name, q2d_design_name, setup_name, sweep_name, coupling_matrix_name="Original",
<ansys.aedt.core.modeler.circuits.object_3d_circuit.CircuitComponent object at 0x000002724E4C0E20>
Save project and release desktop#
tb.release_desktop(True, True)
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 59.889 seconds)