
PostProcessor.export_mesh_obj(setup=None, intrinsics=None, export_air_objects=False, on_surfaces=True)[source]#

Export the mesh in AEDTPLT format. The mesh has to be available in the selected setup. If a parametric model is provided, you can choose the mesh to export by providing a specific set of variations. This method applies only to Hfss, Q3d, Q2D, Maxwell3d, Maxwell2d, Icepak and Mechanical objects. This method is calling create_fieldplot_surface to create a mesh plot and export_field_plot to export it as aedtplt file.

setupstr, optional

Name of the setup. The default is None, in which case the nominal_adaptive setup is used. Be sure to build a setup string in the form of "SetupName : SetupSweep", where SetupSweep is the sweep name to use in the export or LastAdaptive.

intrinsicsdict, str, optional

Intrinsic variables required to compute the field before the export. These are typically: frequency, time and phase. It can be provided either as a dictionary or as a string.

If it is a dictionary, keys depend on the solution type and can be expressed in lower or camel case as:
  • "Freq" or "Frequency".

  • "Time".

  • "Phase".

If it is a string, it can either be "Freq" or "Time" depending on the solution type. The default is None in which case the intrinsics value is automatically computed based on the setup.

export_air_objectsbool, optional

Whether to include vacuum objects for the copied objects. The default is False.

on_surfacesbool, optional

Whether to create a mesh on surfaces or on the volume. The default is True.


File Generated with full path.


>>> from ansys.aedt.core import Hfss
>>> hfss = Hfss()
>>> hfss.analyze()
>>> # Export report using defaults.
>>> hfss.post.export_mesh_obj(setup=None,intrinsics=None)
>>> # Export report using arguments.
>>> hfss.post.export_mesh_obj(setup="MySetup : LastAdaptive",intrinsics={"w1":"5mm", "l1":"3mm"})