
PostProcessor.export_field_file(quantity, solution=None, variations=None, output_file=None, assignment='AllObjects', objects_type='Vol', intrinsics=None, phase=None, sample_points_file=None, sample_points=None, export_with_sample_points=True, reference_coordinate_system='Global', export_in_si_system=True, export_field_in_reference=True)[source]#

Use the field calculator to create a field file based on a solution and variation.


Name of the quantity to export. For example, "Temp".

solutionstr, optional

Name of the solution in the format "solution: sweep". The default is None.

variationsdict, optional

Dictionary of all variation variables with their values. The default is None.

output_filestr, optional

Full path and name to save the file to. The default is None which export a file named "<setup_name>.fld" in working_directory.

assignmentstr, optional

List of objects to export. The default is "AllObjects".

objects_typestr, optional

Type of objects to export. The default is "Vol". Options are "Surf" for surface and "Vol" for volume.

intrinsicsdict, str, optional

Intrinsic variables required to compute the field before the export. These are typically: frequency, time and phase. It can be provided either as a dictionary or as a string.

If it is a dictionary, keys depend on the solution type and can be expressed as:
  • "Freq" or "Frequency"

  • "Time"

  • "Phase"

in lower or camel case.

If it is a string, it can either be "Freq" or "Time" depending on the solution type. The default is None in which case the intrinsics value is automatically computed based on the setup.

phasestr, optional

Field phase. The default is None. This argument is deprecated. Please use intrinsics and provide the phase as a dictionary key instead.

sample_points_filestr, optional

Name of the file with sample points. The default is None.

sample_pointslist, optional

List of the sample points. The default is None.

export_with_sample_pointsbool, optional

Whether to include the sample points in the file to export. The default is True.

reference_coordinate_systemstr, optional

Reference coordinate system in the file to export. The default is "Global".

export_in_si_systembool, optional

Whether the provided sample points are defined in the SI system or model units. The default is True.

export_field_in_referencebool, optional

Whether to export the field in reference coordinate system. The default is True.


True when successful, False when failed.


>>> oModule.EnterQty
>>> oModule.CopyNamedExprToStack
>>> oModule.CalcOp
>>> oModule.EnterQty
>>> oModule.EnterVol
>>> oModule.CalculatorWrite
>>> oModule.ExportToFile


>>> from ansys.aedt.core import Maxwell3d
>>> m3d = Maxwell3d()
>>> # Intrinsics is provided as a string.
>>> fld_file1 = "test_fld_hfss1.fld"
>>> hfss_app.post.export_field_file(quantity="Mag_E", output_file=fld_file1, assignment="Box1",
>>>                                 intrinsics="1GHz", phase="5deg")
>>> # Intrinsics is provided as dictionary. Phase is automatically assigned to 0deg.
>>> fld_file2 =  "test_fld_hfss2.fld"
>>> hfss_app.post.export_field_file(quantity="Mag_E", output_file=fld_file2, assignment="Box1",
>>>                                intrinsics={"frequency":"1GHz"})
>>> # Intrinsics is provided as dictionary. Phase is provided.
>>> hfss_app.post.export_field_file(quantity="Mag_E", output_file=fld_file2, assignment="Box1",
>>>                                 intrinsics={"frequency":"1GHz", "phase":"30deg"})
>>> # Intrinsics is not provided. It is computed from the setup arguments.
>>>  hfss_app.post.export_field_file(quantity="Mag_E", output_file=fld_file2, assignment="Box1",
>>>                                     )