
NexximComponents.create_component_from_spicemodel(input_file, model=None, create_component=True, location=None, symbol_path='Nexxim Circuit Elements\\Nexxim_symbols:', symbol='')#

Create and place a new component based on a spice .lib file.

input_filestr or pathlib.Path

Path to .lib file.

modelstr, optional

Model name to import. If None the first subckt in the lib file will be placed.

create_componentbool, optional

If set to True, create a spice model component. Otherwise, only import the spice model.

locationlist, optional

Position in the schematic of the new component.

symbol_pathstr, optional

Path to the symbol library. Default value is "Nexxim Circuit Elements\Nexxim_symbols:".

symbolstr, optional

Symbol name to replace the spice model with. Default value is an empty string which means the default symbol for spice is used.


Circuit Component Object.


>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from ansys.aedt.core import Circuit
>>> cir = Circuit(version="2025.1")
>>> model = Path("Your path") / "test.lib"
>>> cir.modeler.schematic.create_component_from_spicemodel(input_file=model,model="GRM1234",symbol="nexx_cap")
>>> cir.release_desktop(False, False)