
Desktop.select_scheduler(scheduler_type, address=None, username=None, force_password_entry=False)#

Select a scheduler to submit the job.


Name of the scheduler. Options are “RSM”`, “”Windows HPC”`, “”LSF`, “”SGE”`, “”PBS”`, “”Ansys Cloud”`.

addressstr, optional

String specifying the IP address or hostname of the head node or for the remote host running the RSM service.

usernamestr, optional

Username string to use for remote RSM service (or blank to use username stored in current submission host user settings). If the (non-blank) username doesn’t match the username stored in current submission host user settings, then the Select Scheduler dialog is displayed to allow for password entry prior to job submission.

force_password_entrybool, optional
Boolean used to force display of the Select Scheduler GUI to allow for

password entry prior to job submission.


The selected scheduler (if selection was successful, this string should match the input option string, although it could differ in upper/lowercase).


>>> from ansys.aedt.core import Desktop
>>> d = Desktop(version="2025.1", new_desktop=False)
>>> d.select_scheduler("Ansys Cloud")
>>> out = d.get_available_cloud_config()
>>> job_id, job_name = d.submit_ansys_cloud_job('via_gsg.aedt',
...                                             list(out.keys())[0],
...                                             region="westeurope",
...                                             job_name="MyJob"
...                                             )
>>> o1=d.get_ansyscloud_job_info(job_id=job_id)
>>> o2=d.get_ansyscloud_job_info(job_name=job_name)
>>> d.download_job_results(job_id=job_id,
...                        project_path='via_gsg.aedt',
...                        results_folder='via_gsg_results')
>>> d.release_desktop(False,False)