- Desktop.select_scheduler(scheduler_type, address=None, username=None, force_password_entry=False)#
Select a scheduler to submit the job.
- Parameters:
- scheduler_type
Name of the scheduler. Options are “RSM”`, “”Windows HPC”`, “”LSF`, “”SGE”`, “”PBS”`, “”Ansys Cloud”`.
- address
String specifying the IP address or hostname of the head node or for the remote host running the RSM service.
- username
Username string to use for remote RSM service (or blank to use username stored in current submission host user settings). If the (non-blank) username doesn’t match the username stored in current submission host user settings, then the Select Scheduler dialog is displayed to allow for password entry prior to job submission.
- force_password_entrybool,
- Boolean used to force display of the Select Scheduler GUI to allow for
password entry prior to job submission.
- scheduler_type
- Returns:
The selected scheduler (if selection was successful, this string should match the input option string, although it could differ in upper/lowercase).
>>> from ansys.aedt.core import Desktop
>>> d = Desktop(version="2025.1", new_desktop=False) >>> d.select_scheduler("Ansys Cloud") >>> out = d.get_available_cloud_config() >>> job_id, job_name = d.submit_ansys_cloud_job('via_gsg.aedt', ... list(out.keys())[0], ... region="westeurope", ... job_name="MyJob" ... ) >>> o1=d.get_ansyscloud_job_info(job_id=job_id) >>> o2=d.get_ansyscloud_job_info(job_name=job_name) >>> d.download_job_results(job_id=job_id, ... project_path='via_gsg.aedt', ... results_folder='via_gsg_results') >>> d.release_desktop(False,False)