
Desktop.submit_job(project_file, clustername, aedt_full_exe_path=None, numnodes=1, numcores=32, wait_for_license=True, setting_file=None)[source]#

Submit a job to be solved on a cluster.


Full path to the project. The path should be visible from the server where the simulation will run. If the client path is used then the mapping between the client and server path must be specified in the setting_file`.


Name of the cluster to submit the job to.

aedt_full_exe_pathstr, optional

Full path to the AEDT executable file on the server. The default is None, in which case "/clustername/AnsysEM/AnsysEM2x.x/Win64/ansysedt.exe" is used. On linux this path should point to the Linux executable "ansysedt".

numnodesint, optional

Number of nodes. The default is 1.

numcoresint, optional

Number of cores. The default is 32.

wait_for_licensebool, optional

Whether to wait for a license to become available. The default is True.

setting_filestr, optional

Name of the “.areg” file to use as a template. The default value is ``None`` in which case a default template will be used. If ``setting_file`` is passed it can be located either on the client or server. If the “.areg” file is on the client information from numcores and numnodes will be added. If the “*.areg” file is on the server it will be applied without modifications.


ID of the job.


>>> oDesktop.SubmitJob