Create a 3D Component and reuse it#

Summary of the workflow 1. Create an antenna using PyAEDT and HFSS 3D Modeler (same can be done with EDB and HFSS 3D Layout) 2. Store the object as a 3D Component on the disk 3. Reuse the 3D component in another project 4. Parametrize and optimize target design

Perform required imports#

Perform required imports.

import os
import tempfile
from pyaedt import Hfss
from pyaedt.generic.general_methods import generate_unique_name

Set AEDT version#

Set AEDT version.

aedt_version = "2024.2"

Launch HFSS#

PyAEDT can initialize a new session of Electronics Desktop or connect to an existing one. Once Desktop is connected, a new HFSS session is started and a design is created.

hfss = Hfss(version=aedt_version, new_desktop=True, close_on_exit=True)


PyAEDT can create and store all variables available in AEDT (Design, Project, Post Processing)

hfss["thick"] = "0.1mm"
hfss["width"] = "1mm"


PyAEDT supports all modeler functionalities available in the Desktop. Objects can be created, deleted and modified using all available boolean operations. History is also fully accessible to PyAEDT.

substrate = hfss.modeler.create_box(["-width", "-width", "-thick"], ["2*width", "2*width", "thick"], name="sub",

patch = hfss.modeler.create_rectangle("XY",["-width/2","-width/2","0mm"],["width","width"], name="patch1")

via1 = hfss.modeler.create_cylinder(2, ["-width/8", "-width/4", "-thick"], "0.01mm", "thick", name="via_inner",

via_outer = hfss.modeler.create_cylinder(2, ["-width/8", "-width/4", "-thick"], "0.025mm", "thick", name="via_teflon",


Most of HFSS boundaries and excitations are already available in PyAEDT. User can assign easily a boundary to a face or to an object by taking benefits of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) available in PyAEDT.

<pyaedt.modules.Boundary.BoundaryObject object at 0x0000019FAEE91D20>

Advanced Modeler functions#

Thanks to Python capabilities a lot of additional functionalities have been added to the Modeler of PyAEDT. in this example there is a property to retrieve automatically top and bottom faces of an objects.

side_face = [i for i in via_outer.faces if not in [,]]

<pyaedt.modules.Boundary.BoundaryObject object at 0x0000019FA1C59B70>

Create Wave Port#

Wave port can be assigned to a sheet or to a face of an object.

hfss.wave_port(via_outer.bottom_face_z, name="P1")

Create 3D Component#

Once the model is ready a 3D Component can be created. Multiple options are available to partially select objects, cs, boundaries and mesh operations. Furthermore, encrypted 3d comp can be created too.

component_path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), generate_unique_name("component_test") + ".aedbcomp")
hfss.modeler.create_3dcomponent(component_path, "patch_antenna")

Multiple project management#

PyAEDT allows to control multiple projects, design and solution type at the same time.

hfss2 = Hfss(project="new_project", design="new_design")

Insert of 3d component#

The 3d component can be inserted without any additional info. All needed info will be read from the file itself.

<pyaedt.modeler.cad.components_3d.UserDefinedComponent object at 0x0000019FAEE91C90>

3D Component Parameters#

All 3d Component parameters are available and can be parametrized.


hfss2["p_thick"] = "1mm"


Multiple 3d Components#

There is no limit to the number of 3D components that can be added on the same design. They can be the same or linked to different files.

hfss2.modeler.create_coordinate_system(origin=[20, 20, 10], name="Second_antenna")

ant2 = hfss2.modeler.insert_3d_component(component_path, coordinate_system="Second_antenna")

Move components#

The component can be moved by changing is position or moving the relative coordinate system.

hfss2.modeler.coordinate_systems[0].origin = [10, 10, 3]


Most of HFSS boundaries and excitations are already available in PyAEDT. User can assign easily a boundary to a face or to an object by taking benefits of

hfss2.modeler.create_air_region(30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30)

# Create Setup and Optimetrics
# Once project is ready to be solved, a setup and parametrics analysis can be created with PyAEDT.
# All setup parameters can be edited.

setup1 = hfss2.create_setup()

optim = hfss2.parametrics.add("p_thick", "0.2mm", "1.5mm", step=14)

Save project#

Save the project.

hfss2.plot(show=False, output_file=os.path.join(hfss.working_directory, "Image.jpg"), plot_air_objects=True)
Create 3d Component and use it
<pyaedt.generic.plot.ModelPlotter object at 0x0000019FAEE93A60>

Close AEDT#

After the simulation completes, you can close AEDT or release it using the pyaedt.Desktop.release_desktop() method. All methods provide for saving the project before closing AEDT.

hfss2.save_project(os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), generate_unique_name("parametrized") + ".aedt"))

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 52.489 seconds)

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