
Icepak.assign_stationary_wall_with_temperature(geometry, name=None, temperature='0cel', thickness='0mm', material='Al-Extruded', radiate=False, radiate_surf_mat='Steel-oxidised-surface', shell_conduction=False)[source]#

Assign a surface wall boundary condition with specified temperature.

geometrystr or int

Name of the surface object or ID of the face.

namestr, optional

Name of the boundary condition. The default is None.

temperaturestr or float or dict, optional

Temperature to assign to the wall. If a float value is specified, the unit is degrees Celsius. A dictionary can be used for transient assignment. The dictionary should contain three keys: "Type", "Function", and "Values".

  • The value for the "Type" key must be "Transient".

  • Accepted values for the "Function" key are: "Linear", "Power Law", "Exponential",

"Sinusoidal", "Square Wave", and "Piecewise Linear". The "Values" key contains a list of strings containing the parameters

required by the "Function" key selection. For example, "Linear" requires two parameters: the value of the variable at t=0 and the slope of the line. The parameters required by each Function key selection is in Icepak documentation. The parameters must contain the units where needed. The default is "0cel".

thicknessstr or float, optional

Thickness of the wall. If a float value is specified used, the unit is the current unit system set in Icepak. The default is "0mm".

materialstr, optional

Solid material of the wall. This parameter is relevant if the thickness is a non-zero value. The default is "Al-Extruded".

radiatebool, optional

Whether to enable the inner surface radiation option. The default is False.

radiate_surf_matstr, optional

Surface material to use for inner surface radiation. This parameter is relevant if radiate is enabled. The default is "Steel-oxidised-surface.

shell_conductionbool, optional

Whether to use the shell conduction option. The default is False.


Boundary object.


>>> oModule.AssignStationaryWallBoundary