
Icepak.assign_recirculation_opening(face_list, extract_face, thermal_specification='Temperature', assignment_value='0cel', conductance_external_temperature=None, flow_specification='Mass Flow', flow_assignment='0kg_per_s_m2', flow_direction=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, boundary_name=None)[source]#

Assign recirculation faces.


List of face primitive objects or a list of integers containing faces IDs.

extract_facemodeler.cad.elements3d.FacePrimitive, int

ID of the face on the extract side.

thermal_specificationstr, optional

Type of the thermal assignment across the two recirculation faces. The default is "Temperature". Options are "Conductance", "Heat Input", and "Temperature".

assignment_valuestr or dict, optional

String with value and units of the thermal assignment. For a transient assignment, a dictionary can be used. The dictionary should contain two keys: "Function" and "Values". - For the "Function" key, options are "Exponential", "Linear", "Piecewise Linear", "Power Law", "Sinusoidal", and "Square Wave". - For the "Values" key, provide a list of strings containing the parameters required by the "Function" key selection. For example, when "Linear" is set as the "Function" key, two parameters are required: the value of the variable at t=0 and the slope of the line. For the parameters required by each "Function" key selection, see the Icepak documentation. The parameters must contain the units where needed. The default value is "0cel".

conductance_external_temperaturestr, optional

External temperature value, which is needed if thermal_specification is set to "Conductance". The default is None.

flow_specificationstr, optional

Flow specification for the recirculation zone. The default is "Mass Flow". Options are: "Mass Flow", "Mass Flux", and "Volume Flow".

flow_assignmentstr or dict, optional

String with the value and units of the flow assignment. For a transient assignment, a dictionary can be used. The dictionary should contain two keys: "Function" and "Values". - For the "Function" key, options are "Exponential", "Linear", "Piecewise Linear", "Power Law", "Sinusoidal", and "Square Wave". - For the "Values" key, provide a list of strings containing the parameters required by the "Function" key selection. For example, when``”Linear”`` is set as the "Function" key, two parameters are required: the value of the variable at t=0 and the slope of the line. For the parameters required by each "Function" key selection, see the Icepak documentation. The parameters must contain the units where needed. The default value is "0kg_per_s_m2".

flow_directionlist, optional

Flow direction enforced at the recirculation zone. The default value is None, in which case the normal direction is used.

start_timestr, optional

Start of the time interval. This parameter is relevant only if the simulation is transient. The default value is "0s".

end_timestr, optional

End of the time interval. This parameter is relevant only if the simulation is transient. The default value is "0s".

boundary_namestr, optional

Name of the recirculation boundary. The default is None, in which case the boundary is automatically generated.


Boundary object when successful or None when failed.


>>> oModule.AssignRecircBoundary


>>> from pyaedt import Icepak
>>> ipk = Icepak()
>>> ipk.solution_type = "Transient"
>>> box = ipk.modeler.create_box([5, 5, 5], [1, 2, 3], "BlockBoxEmpty", "copper")
>>> box.solve_inside = False
>>> recirc = ipk.assign_recirculation_opening([box.top_face_x, box.bottom_face_x], box.top_face_x,
>>>                                          flow_assignment="10kg_per_s_m2")