Circuit: schematic creation and analysis#

This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to create a circuit design and run a Nexxim time-domain simulation.

Perform required imports#

Perform required imports.

# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_path = 'Resources/circuit.png'

import pyaedt

Set AEDT version#

Set AEDT version.

aedt_version = "2024.1"

Set non-graphical mode#

Set non-graphical mode. You can set non_graphical either to True or False. The Boolean parameter new_thread defines whether to create a new instance of AEDT or try to connect to an existing instance of it.

non_graphical = False
new_thread = True

Launch AEDT and Circuit#

Launch AEDT and Circuit. The pyaedt.Desktop class initializes AEDT and starts the specified version in the specified mode.

desktop = pyaedt.launch_desktop(aedt_version, non_graphical, new_thread)
aedt_app = pyaedt.Circuit(projectname=pyaedt.generate_unique_project_name())
aedt_app.modeler.schematic.schematic_units = "mil"
C:\actions-runner\_work\_tool\Python\3.10.9\x64\lib\ ResourceWarning: subprocess 7376 is still running
  _warn("subprocess %s is still running" %,
C:\actions-runner\_work\pyaedt\pyaedt\testenv\lib\site-packages\pyaedt\generic\ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='D:\\Temp\\pyaedt_ansys.log' mode='a' encoding='cp1252'>
  self._logger = val

Create circuit setup#

Create and customize an LNA (linear network analysis) setup.

setup1 = aedt_app.create_setup("MyLNA")
setup1.props["SweepDefinition"]["Data"] = "LINC 0GHz 4GHz 10001"

Create components#

Create components, such as an inductor, resistor, and capacitor.

inductor = aedt_app.modeler.schematic.create_inductor(name="L1", value=1e-9, location=[0, 0])
resistor = aedt_app.modeler.schematic.create_resistor(name="R1", value=50, location=[500, 0])
capacitor = aedt_app.modeler.schematic.create_capacitor(name="C1", value=1e-12, location=[1000, 0])

Get all pins#

Get all pins of a specified component.

pins_resistor = resistor.pins

Create port and ground#

Create a port and a ground, which are needed for the circuit analysis.

port = aedt_app.modeler.components.create_interface_port(name="myport", location=[-200, 0] )
gnd = aedt_app.modeler.components.create_gnd(location=[1200, -100])

Connect components#

Connect components with wires.

port.pins[0].connect_to_component(assignment=inductor.pins[0], use_wire=True)
inductor.pins[1].connect_to_component(assignment=resistor.pins[1], use_wire=True)
resistor.pins[0].connect_to_component(assignment=capacitor.pins[0], use_wire=True)
capacitor.pins[1].connect_to_component(assignment=gnd.pins[0], use_wire=True)

Create transient setup#

Create a transient setup.

setup2 = aedt_app.create_setup(name="MyTransient", setup_type=aedt_app.SETUPS.NexximTransient)
setup2.props["TransientData"] = ["0.01ns", "200ns"]
setup3 = aedt_app.create_setup(name="MyDC", setup_type=aedt_app.SETUPS.NexximDC)

Solve transient setup#

Solve the transient setup.

'D:/Temp/pyaedt_prj_PN0/Project_EIA.pyaedt\\Circuit_Design_0ZC\\Circuit Design_0ZC.sp'

Create report#

Create a report that plots solution data.

solutions ="S"))
solutions.enable_pandas_output = True
real, imag = solutions.full_matrix_real_imag
0.0000          1.000000
0.0004          1.000000
0.0008          1.000000
0.0012          0.999999
0.0016          0.999999
...                  ...
3.9984          0.021101
3.9988          0.021083
3.9992          0.021065
3.9996          0.021046
4.0000          0.021028

[10001 rows x 1 columns]

Plot data#

Create a plot based on solution data.

fig = solutions.plot()
Simulation Results Plot
No artists with labels found to put in legend.  Note that artists whose label start with an underscore are ignored when legend() is called with no argument.

Close AEDT#

After the simulation completes, you can close AEDT or release it using the pyaedt.Desktop.force_close_desktop() method. All methods provide for saving the project before closing.


Total running time of the script: (1 minutes 15.830 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery