The Layout cutout extension allows users to create cutouts in HFSS 3D Layout designs based on selected nets.
The extension provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for configuration, or it can be used in batch mode via command line arguments.
The following image shows the extension user interface:

Customizable options for fixing disjoint nets, selecting the cutout type, and applying expansion factors.
Integration with Ansys EDB for layout cutout creation and post-processing.
Switch between light and dark themes in the GUI.
Using the extension#
Open the Automation tab in the HFSS 3D Layout interface.
Locate and click the Layout Cutout icon under the Extension Manager.
In the GUI, users can interact with the following elements: - Cutout type: A dropdown menu to select the desired cutout type (ConvexHull, Bounding, Conforming). - Signal nets: A button to apply selected signal nets from the layout. - Reference nets: A button to apply selected reference nets. - Expansion factor: A text box to define the expansion factor for the cutout (in mm). - Fix disjoint nets: A checkbox to enable or disable fixing of disjoint nets. - Theme toggle: A button to switch between light and dark modes for the GUI.
Click on Create Cutout to generate the cutout.
Command line#
The extension can also be used directly via the command line for batch processing.
Supported arguments include:
choice: Type of cutout to apply (“ConvexHull”).
signals: List of signal nets to use for the cutout.
reference: List of reference nets to use for the cutout.
expansion factor: Expansion factor in “mm” for the cutout.
fix disjoints: Boolean flag to enable or disable fixing of disjoint nets.
is batch: Boolean flag to enable batch mode.
Use the following syntax to run the extension: