
Rmxprt.archive_project(project_path=None, include_external_files=True, include_results_file=True, additional_files=None, notes='')[source]#

Archive the AEDT project and add a message.

project_pathstr, optional

Full path and project name. The default is None.

include_external_filesbool, optional

Whether to include external files in the archive. The default is True.

include_results_filebool, optional

Whether to include simulation results files in the archive. The default is True.

additional_fileslist, optional

List of additional files to add to the archive. The default is None in which case an empty list is set.

notesstr, optional

Simulation notes to add to the archive. The default is "".


True when successful, False when failed.


>>> oProject.Save
>>> oProject.SaveProjectArchive