
Mesh.assign_cylindrical_gap(entity, name=None, band_mapping_angle=None, clone_mesh=False, moving_side_layers=1, static_side_layers=1)[source]#

Assign a cylindrical gap for a 2D or 3D design to enable a clone mesh and associated band mapping angle.

entityint or str or ansys.aedt.core.modeler.cad.object_3d.Object3d

Object to assign cylindrical gap to.

namestr, optional

Name of the mesh. The default is None, in which case the default name is used.

clone_meshbool, optional

Whether to clone the mesh. This parameter is valid only for 3D design. The default is False. If True, the solid bodies adjacent to the band are detected to identify the clone object.

band_mapping_angleint, optional

Band mapping angle in degrees. The recommended band mapping angle (the angle the rotor rotates in one time step) typically equals the rotational speed multiplied by the time step. The band mapping angle must be between 0.0005 and 3 degrees. The default is None.

  • For a 2D design, if a value is provided, the option Use band mapping angle is automatically enabled.

  • For a 3D design, the Clone Mesh option has to be enabled first.

moving_side_layersint, optional

Number of mesh layers on the moving side. The valid ranges are integers greater or equal to 1. This parameter is valid only for a 3D design. The default is 1.

static_side_layersint, optional

Number of mesh layers on the static side. The valid ranges are integers greater than or equal to 1. This parameter is valid only for a 3D design. The default is 1.

ansys.aedt.core.modules.mesh.MeshOperation or bool

Mesh operation object or False if it fails.


>>> oModule.AssignCylindricalGapOp