
MatProperty.add_thermal_modifier_closed_form(tref=22, c1=0.0001, c2=1e-06, tl=-273.15, tu=1000, units='cel', auto_calc=True, tml=1000, tmu=1000, index=0)[source]#

Add a thermal modifier to a material property using a closed-form formula.

treffloat, optional

Reference temperature. The default is 22.

c1float, optional

First coefficient value. The default is 0.0001.

c2float, optional

Second coefficient value. The default is 1e-6.

tlfloat, optional

Lower temperature limit. The default is 273.15.

tufloat, optional

Upper temperature limit. The default is 1000.

unitsstr, optional

Units for the reference temperature. The default is "cel".

auto_calcbool, optional

Whether to calculate the lower and upper temperature limits automatically. The default is True.

tmlfloat, optional

Lower temperature limit when auto_calc=True. The default is 1000.

tmufloat, optional

Upper temperature limit when auto_calc=True. The default is 1000.

indexint, optional

Value for the index. The default is 0.


True when successful, False when failed.


>>> oDefinitionManager.EditMaterial


>>> from ansys.aedt.core import Hfss
>>> hfss = Hfss(version="2021.2")
>>> mat1 = hfss.materials.add_material("new_copper2")
>>> mat1.permittivity.add_thermal_modifier_closed_form(c1 = 1e-3)