
Modeler3DLayout.create_via(padstack: str = 'PlanarEMVia', x: float | str = 0, y: float | str = 0, rotation: float = 0, hole_diam: float = None, top_layer: str = None, bot_layer: str = None, name: str = None, net: str = None) Pins3DLayout[source]#

Create a via based on an existing padstack.

padstackstr, optional

Name of the padstack. The default is "PlanarEMVia".

xfloat, optional

Position on the X axis. The default is 0.

yfloat, optional

Position on the Y axis. The default is 0.

rotationfloat, optional

Angle rotation in degrees. The default is 0.

hole_diamfloat, optional

Diameter of the hole. If None the default is 1, in which case the override is disabled.

top_layerstr, optional

Top layer. If None the first layer is taken.

bot_layerstr, optional

Bottom layer. If None the last layer is taken.

namestr, optional

Name of the via. If None a random name is generated.

netstr, optional

Name of the net. The default is None, in which case no name is assigned.

ansys.aedt.core.modeler.cad.object_3dlayout.Pins3DLayout or bool

Object via created when successful, False when failed.


>>> oEditor.CreateVia