HFSS: 3D Components#

This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to place 3D Components in Hfss and in Hfss 3D Layout.

import os
import pyaedt

Set AEDT version#

Set AEDT version.

aedt_version = "2024.2"

Set non-graphical mode#

Set non-graphical mode. You can set non_graphical either to True or False.

non_graphical = False

Common Properties#

Set common properties.

trace_width = 0.6
trace_length = 30
diel_height = "121mil"
sig_height = "5mil"
max_steps = 3
freq = "3GHz"
new_session = True

3D Component Definition#

File to be used in the example

component3d = pyaedt.downloads.download_file("component_3d", "SMA_RF_Jack.a3dcomp",)

Hfss Example#

This example will create a stackup in Hfss place a 3d component, build a ground plane, a trace, create excitation and solve it in Hfss.

Launch Hfss#

Launch HFSS application

hfss = pyaedt.Hfss(new_desktop=True, version=aedt_version, non_graphical=non_graphical)

hfss.solution_type = "Terminal"

Insert 3d Component#

To insert a 3d component we need to read parameters and then import in Hfss.

comp_param = hfss.get_components3d_vars(component3d)
hfss.modeler.insert_3d_component(component3d, comp_param)
<pyaedt.modeler.cad.components_3d.UserDefinedComponent object at 0x0000019FAEE919F0>

Add a new Stackup#

Pyaedt has a Stackup class which allows to parametrize stacked structures.

stackup = hfss.add_stackup_3d()
s1 = stackup.add_signal_layer("L1", thickness=sig_height)
d1 = stackup.add_dielectric_layer("D1", thickness=diel_height)
g1 = stackup.add_ground_layer("G1", thickness=sig_height)

Define stackup extensions#

Define stackup elevation and size. Defines also the stackup origin.

stackup.start_position = "-131mil"
stackup.dielectric_width = "20mm"
stackup.dielectric_length = "40mm"
stackup.dielectric_y_position = "-dielectric_width/2"
stackup.dielectric_x_position = "-dielectric_length/4"

Padstack Definition#

Padstacks are needed to create a clearance around 3d component since intersections are not allowed. There will be 1 padstack for Gnd and 1 for pin.

p1 = stackup.add_padstack("gnd_via", material="cloned_copper")
p1.num_sides = 8
p1.add_via(-3.2, -3.2)
p1.add_via(-3.2, 3.2)
p1.add_via(3.2, -3.2)
p1.add_via(3.2, 3.2)
p2 = stackup.add_padstack("signal_via", material="cloned_copper")

p2.padstacks_by_layer["L1"].pad_radius = 0.3048
p2.add_via(0, 0)
<pyaedt.modeler.cad.object3d.Object3d object at 0x0000019FBB542E30>

Trace Definition#

The trace will connect the pin to the port on layer L1.

t1 = s1.add_trace(trace_width, trace_length)
rect1 = hfss.modeler.create_rectangle(orientation=hfss.PLANE.YZ,
                                                 origin=["0.75*dielectric_length", "-5*" + t1.width.name, "0mm"],
                                                 sizes=["15*" + t1.width.name, "-3*" + stackup.thickness.name])
p1 = hfss.wave_port(assignment=rect1, reference="G1", name="P1")

Set Simulation Boundaries#

Define regione and simulation boundaries.

region = hfss.modeler.create_region([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100])
sheets = [i for i in region.faces]
<pyaedt.modules.Boundary.BoundaryObject object at 0x0000019FBB542FB0>

Create Setup#

Iterations will be reduced to reduce simulation time.

setup1 = hfss.create_setup()
sweep1 = hfss.create_linear_count_sweep(setup1.name, "GHz", 0.01, 8, 1601, sweep_type="Interpolating")
setup1.props["Frequency"] = freq
setup1.props["MaximumPasses"] = max_steps

Solve Setup#

Save the project first and then solve the setup.


Plot results#

Plot the results when analysis is completed.

traces = hfss.get_traces_for_plot(category="S")
solutions = hfss.post.get_solution_data(traces)
solutions.plot(traces, formula="db20")
Simulation Results Plot
<Figure size 2000x1000 with 1 Axes>

Hfss 3D Layout Example#

Previous example will be repeated this time in Hfss 3d Layout. Small differences are expected in layout but results should be similar.

Launch Hfss3dLayout#

Launch HFSS3dLayout application

h3d = pyaedt.Hfss3dLayout()

Add stackup layers#

Add stackup layers.

l1 = h3d.modeler.layers.add_layer("L1", "signal", thickness=sig_height)
h3d.modeler.layers.add_layer("diel", "dielectric", thickness=diel_height, material="FR4_epoxy")
h3d.modeler.layers.add_layer("G1", "signal", thickness=sig_height, isnegative=True)
<pyaedt.modules.LayerStackup.Layer object at 0x0000019FAE926350>

Place 3d Component#

Place a 3d component by specifying the .a3dcomp file path.

comp = h3d.modeler.place_3d_component(
    component_path=component3d, number_of_terminals=1, placement_layer="G1", component_name="my_connector",
    pos_x=0.000, pos_y=0.000

Create signal net and ground planes#

Create a signal net and ground planes.

h3d["len"] = str(trace_length) + "mm"
h3d["w1"] = str(trace_width) + "mm"

line = h3d.modeler.create_line("L1", [[0, 0], ["len", 0]], lw="w1", name="microstrip", net="microstrip")
h3d.create_edge_port(line, h3d.modeler[line.name].top_edge_x, is_wave_port=True, wave_horizontal_extension=15)
<pyaedt.modules.Boundary.BoundaryObject3dLayout object at 0x0000019FAE927610>

Create void on Ground plane for pin#

Create a void.

h3d.modeler.create_circle("G1", 0, 0, 0.5)
<pyaedt.modeler.pcb.object3dlayout.Circle3dLayout object at 0x0000019FAE9277F0>

Create Setup#

Iterations will be reduced to reduce simulation time.

h3d.set_meshing_settings(mesh_method="PhiPlus", enable_intersections_check=False)
h3d.edit_hfss_extents(diel_extent_horizontal_padding="0.2", air_vertical_positive_padding="0",
                      air_vertical_negative_padding="2", airbox_values_as_dim=False)
setup1 = h3d.create_setup()
sweep1 = h3d.create_linear_count_sweep(setup1.name,
setup1.props["AdaptiveSettings"]["SingleFrequencyDataList"]["AdaptiveFrequencyData"]["AdaptiveFrequency"] = freq
setup1.props["AdaptiveSettings"]["SingleFrequencyDataList"]["AdaptiveFrequencyData"]["MaxPasses"] = max_steps

Solve Setup#


Plot results#

traces = h3d.get_traces_for_plot(category="S")
solutions = h3d.post.get_solution_data(traces)
solutions.plot(traces, formula="db20")

Simulation Results Plot

Total running time of the script: (3 minutes 53.091 seconds)

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