
FfdSolutionData.plot_farfield_contour(farfield_quantity='RealizedGain', phi_scan=0, theta_scan=0, title='RectangularPlot', quantity_format='dB10', export_image_path=None, levels=64, show=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Create a contour plot of a specified quantity.

farfield_quantitystr, optional

Far field quantity to plot. The default is "RealizedGain". Available quantities are: "RealizedGain", "RealizedGain_Phi", "RealizedGain_Theta", "rEPhi", "rETheta", and "rETotal".

phi_scanfloat, int, optional

Phi scan angle in degrees. The default is 0.

theta_scanfloat, int, optional

Theta scan angle in degrees. The default is 0.

titlestr, optional

Plot title. The default is "RectangularPlot".

quantity_formatstr, optional

Conversion data function. Available functions are: "abs", "ang", "dB10", "dB20", "deg", "imag", "norm", and "real".

export_image_pathstr, optional

Full path for the image file. The default is None, in which case the file is not exported.

levelsint, optional

Color map levels. The default is 64.

showbool, optional

Whether to show the plot. The default is True. If False, the Matplotlib instance of the plot is shown.


Whether to show the plotted curve. If show=True, a Matplotlib figure instance of the plot is returned. If show=False, the plotted curve is returned.


>>> import pyaedt
>>> app = pyaedt.Hfss(specified_version="2023.2", designname="Antenna")
>>> setup_name = "Setup1 : LastAdaptive"
>>> frequencies = [77e9]
>>> sphere = "3D"
>>> data = app.get_antenna_ffd_solution_data(frequencies, setup_name, sphere)
>>> data.plot_farfield_contour()