- class pyaedt.modules.solutions.FfdSolutionData(eep_files, frequencies)[source]#
Contains information from the far field solution data.
Load far field data from the element pattern files.
- Parameters:
>>> import pyaedt >>> from pyaedt.modules.solutions import FfdSolutionData >>> app = pyaedt.Hfss(specified_version="2023.2", designname="Antenna") >>> setup_name = "Setup1 : LastAdaptive" >>> frequencies = [77e9] >>> sphere = "3D" >>> data = app.get_antenna_ffd_solution_data(frequencies, setup_name, sphere) >>> eep_files = data.eep_files >>> frequencies = data.frequencies >>> app.release_desktop() >>> farfield_data = FfdSolutionData(frequencies=frequencies, eep_files=eep_files) >>> farfield_data.polar_plot_3d_pyvista(qty_str="rETotal", quantity_format="dB10")
([phi_scan, ...])Compute the far field pattern calculated for a specific phi and theta scan angle requested.
Generate a PyVista
object that represents the far field mesh.FfdSolutionData.plot_2d_cut
([...])Create a 2D plot of a specified quantity in Matplotlib.
Create a contour plot of a specified quantity.
Create a 3D plot of a specified quantity.
Create a 3D polar plot of the geometry with a radiation pattern in PyVista.
Active frequency.
Frequency value in Hz.
List of additional magnitudes on each port.
Far field origin in meters.
List of additional phase offsets in degrees on each port.
Taper type.