
Material.set_coreloss_at_frequency(points_list_at_freq, kdc=0, cut_depth='1mm', thickness='0.5mm', conductivity=0, coefficient_setup='w_per_cubic_meter', core_loss_model_type='Electrical Steel')[source]#

Set electrical steel or power ferrite core loss model at one single frequency or at multiple frequencies.


Dictionary where keys are the frequencies (in Hz) and values are lists of points (BP curve). If the core loss model is calculated at one frequency, this parameter must be provided as a dictionary with one key (single frequency in Hz) and values are lists of points at that specific frequency (BP curve).


Coefficient considering the DC flux bias effects

cut_depthstr, optional

Equivalent cut depth. You use this parameter to consider the manufacturing effects on core loss computation. The default value is "1mm".

thicknessstr, optional

Thickness specified in terms of the value plus the unit. The default is "0.5mm".

conductivityfloat, optional

Conductivity. The unit is S/m. The default is "0 S/m".

coefficient_setupstr, optional

Core loss unit. The default is "w_per_cubic_meter". Options are "kw_per_cubic_meter", "w_per_cubic_meter", "w_per_kg", and "w_per_lb".

core_loss_model_typestr, optional

Core loss model type. The default value is "Electrical Steel". Options are "Electrical Steel" and "Power Ferrite".


True when successful, False when failed.


>>> oDefinitionManager.EditMaterial


This example shows how to set a core loss model for a material in case material properties are calculated for core losses at one frequency or core losses versus frequencies (core losses multicurve data). The first case shows how to set properties for core losses at one frequency:

>>> from pyaedt import Maxwell3d
>>> m3d = Maxwell3d()
>>> box = m3d.modeler.create_box([-10, -10, 0], [20, 20, 20], "box_to_split")
>>> box.material = "magnesium"
>>> m3d.materials["magnesium"].set_coreloss_at_frequency(
                                            ... points_list_at_freq={60 : [[0,0], [1,3.5], [2,7.4]]}
                                            ... )
>>> m3d.release_desktop(True, True)

The second case shows how to set properties for core losses versus frequencies:

>>> from pyaedt import Maxwell3d
>>> m3d = Maxwell3d()
>>> box = m3d.modeler.create_box([-10, -10, 0], [20, 20, 20], "box_to_split")
>>> box.material = "magnesium"
>>> m3d.materials["magnesium"].set_coreloss_at_frequency(
                                            ... points_list_at_freq={60 : [[0,0], [1,3.5], [2,7.4]],
                                            ...                      100 : [[0,0], [1,8], [2,9]],
                                            ...                      150 : [[0,0], [1,10], [2,19]]}
                                            ... )
>>> m3d.release_desktop(True, True)