
Material.get_core_loss_coefficients(points_list_at_freq, core_loss_model_type='Electrical Steel', thickness='0.5mm', conductivity=0, coefficient_setup='w_per_cubic_meter')[source]#

Get electrical steel or power ferrite core loss coefficients at a given frequency.


Dictionary where keys are the frequencies (in Hz) and values are lists of points (BP curve). If the core loss model is calculated at one frequency, this parameter must be provided as a dictionary with one key (single frequency in Hz) and values are lists of points at that specific frequency (BP curve).

core_loss_model_typestr, optional

Core loss model type. The default value is "Electrical Steel". Options are "Electrical Steel" and "Power Ferrite".

thicknessstr, optional

Thickness provided as the value plus the unit. The default is 0.5mm.

conductivityfloat, optional

Material conductivity. The default is 0.

coefficient_setupstr, optional

Core loss unit. The default is "w_per_cubic_meter". Options are "kw_per_cubic_meter", "w_per_cubic_meter", "w_per_kg", and "w_per_lb".


List of core loss coefficients. Returns Kh, Kc, and Ke coefficients if the core loss model is "Electrical Steel". Returns Cm, X, and Y if the core loss model is "Power Ferrite".


This example shows how to get core loss coefficients for Electrical Steel core loss model.

>>> from pyaedt import Maxwell3d
>>> m3d = Maxwell3d()
>>> box = m3d.modeler.create_box([-10, -10, 0], [20, 20, 20], "box_to_split")
>>> box.material = "magnesium"
>>> coefficients = m3d.materials["magnesium"].get_core_loss_coefficients(
...                                                        points_list_at_freq={60 : [[0, 0], [1, 3], [2, 7]]},
...                                                        thickness="0.5mm",
...                                                        conductivity=0)
>>> print(coefficients)
>>> m3d.release_desktop(True, True)