
Components.create_port_on_pins(refdes, pins, reference_pins, impedance=50.0)[source]#

Create circuit port between pins and reference ones.

refdesComponent reference designator

str or EDBComponent object.

pinspin name where the terminal has to be created. Single pin or several ones can be provided.If several
pins are provided a pin group will is created. Pin names can be the EDB name or the EDBPadstackInstance one.
For instance the pin called ``Pin1`` located on component ``U1``, ``U1-Pin1`` or ``Pin1`` can be provided and
will be handled.

str, [str], EDBPadstackInstance, [EDBPadstackInstance]

reference_pinsreference pin name used for terminal reference. Single pin or several ones can be provided.
If several pins are provided a pin group will is created. Pin names can be the EDB name or the
EDBPadstackInstance one. For instance the pin called ``Pin1`` located on component ``U1``, ``U1-Pin1``
or ``Pin1`` can be provided and will be handled.

str, [str], EDBPadstackInstance, [EDBPadstackInstance]

impedancePort impedance

str, float

EDB terminal created, or False if failed to create.
>>> :obj:`from` :obj:`pyaedt` :obj:`import` :obj:`Edb`
>>> :obj:`edb` = :obj:`Edb`\(:obj:`path_to_edb_file`)
>>> :obj:`pin` = "AJ6"
>>> :obj:`ref_pins` = ["AM7", "AM4"]
Or to take all reference pins
>>> :obj:`ref_pins` = [:obj:`pin` :obj:`for` :obj:`pin` :obj:`in` :class:`python:list`\(:obj:`edb.components`\["U2A5"]:obj:`.pins.values`\()) :obj:`if` :obj:`pin.net_name` == "GND"]
>>> :obj:`edb.components.create_port_on_pins`\(refdes="U2A5", pins=pin, reference_pins=ref_pins)
>>> :obj:`edb.save_edb`\()
>>> :obj:`edb.close_edb`\()