
Icepak.assign_solid_block(object_name, power_assignment, boundary_name=None, htc=None, ext_temperature='AmbientTemp')[source]#

Assign block boundary for solid objects.

object_namestr or list

Object name or a list of object names.

power_assignmentstr or dict

String with the value and units of the power assignment or with "Joule Heating". For a temperature-dependent or transient assignment, a dictionary can be used. The dictionary should contain three keys: "Type", "Function", and "Values". - For the "Type" key, accepted values are "Temp Dep" and "Transient". - For the "Function" key, acceptable values depend on the "Type" key selection. When the "Type" key is set to "Temp Dep", the only accepted value is "Piecewise Linear". When the "Type" key is set to "Transient", acceptable values are “Exponential”`, “Linear”`, "Piecewise Linear", "Power Law", "Sinusoidal", and "SquareWave". - For the "Values" key, a list of strings contain the parameters required by the "Function" key selection. For example, whn``”Linear”`` is set as the "Function" key, two parameters are required: the value of the variable at t=0 and the slope of the line. For the parameters required by each "Function" key selection, see the Icepak documentation. The parameters must contain the units where needed.

boundary_namestr, optional

Name of the source boundary. The default is None, in which case the boundary name is automatically generated.

htcfloat, str, or dict, optional

String with the value and units of the heat transfer coefficient for the external conditions. If a float is provided, the "w_per_m2kel" unit is used. For a temperature-dependent or transient assignment, a dictionary can be used. For more information, see the description for the preceding power_assignment parameter. The default is None, in which case no external condition is applied.

ext_temperaturefloat, str or dict, optional

String with the value and units of temperature for the external conditions. If a float is provided, the "cel" unit is used. For a transient assignment, a dictionary can be used. For more information, see the description for the preceding power_assignment parameter. The default is "AmbientTemp", which is used if the htc parameter is not set to None.


Boundary object when successful or None when failed.


>>> oModule.AssignBlockBoundary


>>> from pyaedt import Icepak
>>> ipk = Icepak()
>>> ipk.solution_type = "Transient"
>>> box = ipk.modeler.create_box([5, 5, 5], [1, 2, 3], "BlockBox3", "copper")
>>> power_dict = {"Type": "Transient", "Function": "Sinusoidal", "Values": ["0W", 1, 1, "1s"]}
>>> block = ipk.assign_solid_block("BlockBox3", power_dict)