
Reports.far_field(expressions=None, setup=None, sphere_name=None, source_context=None, **variations)#

Create a Far Field Report object.

expressionsstr or list

Expression List to add into the report. The expression can be any of the available formula you can enter into the Electronics Desktop Report Editor.

setupstr, optional

Name of the setup. The default is None, in which case the nominal_adaptive setup is used. Be sure to build a setup string in the form of "SetupName : SetupSweep", where SetupSweep is the sweep name to use in the export or LastAdaptive.

sphere_namestr, optional

Name of the sphere to create the far field on.

source_contextstr, optional

Name of the active source to create the far field on.



>>> from ansys.aedt.core import Hfss
>>> hfss = Hfss(my_project)
>>> report = hfss.post.reports_by_category.far_field("GainTotal", "Setup : LastAdaptive", "3D_Sphere")
>>> report.primary_sweep = "Phi"
>>> report.create()
>>> solutions = report.get_solution_data()