
MonostaticRCSPlotter.add_waterfall_settings(aspect_ang_phi=360.0, phi_num=10, tick_color='#000000', line_color='#ff0000', cone_color='#00ff00')#

Add a 3D waterfall setting representation to the current scene.

This function visualizes a 3D “waterfall” pattern that represents angular data across a circular arc in a spherical coordinate system. The arc covers an angular extent defined by the aspect_ang_phi parameter, with optional tick marks along the arc. A cone is added to indicate the endpoint of the angular sweep.

aspect_ang_phifloat, optional

The angular extent of the arc in degrees. It defines the total angle (in degrees) over which the circular arc spans. The default is 360.0 degrees (full circle).

phi_numint, optional

The number of tick marks to be placed along the arc. The default is 10.

tick_colorstr, optional

Color of the tick marks. The default is black ("#000000").

line_colorstr, optional

Color of the line. The default is red ("#ff0000").

cone_colorstr, optional

Color of the cone. The default is green ("#00ff00").