
PostProcessorIcepak.plot_scene(frames, gif_path, norm_index=0, dy_rng=0, fps=30, show=True, view='yz', zoom=2.0, convert_fields_in_db=False, log_multiplier=10.0)[source]#

Plot the current model 3D scene with overlapping animation coming from a file list and save the gif.

frameslist or str

File list containing animation frames to plot in CSV format or path to a text index file containing the full path to CSV files.


Full path for outputting the GIF file.

norm_indexint, optional

Frame to use to normalize your images. Data is already saved as dB : 100 for usual traffic scenes.

dy_rngint, optional

Specify how many dB below you would like to specify the range_min. Tweak this a couple of times with small number of frames.

fpsint, optional

Frames per Second.

showbool, optional

Either if show or only export gif.

viewstr, optional

View to export. Options are "isometric", "xy", "xz", and "yz". The default is "isometric".

zoomfloat, optional

Default zoom. Default Value is 2.

convert_fields_in_dbbool, optional

Either if convert the fields before plotting in dB. Default Value is False.

log_multiplierfloat, optional

Field multiplier if field in dB. Default Value is 10.0.
