
PostProcessorIcepak.create_fieldplot_surface(assignment, quantity, setup=None, intrinsics=None, plot_name=None, field_type='DC R/L Fields')[source]#

Create a field plot of surfaces.


List of surfaces to plot.


Name of the quantity to plot.

setupstr, optional

Name of the setup. The default is None, in which case the nominal_adaptive setup is used. Be sure to build a setup string in the form of "SetupName : SetupSweep", where SetupSweep is the sweep name to use in the export or LastAdaptive.

intrinsicsdict, str, optional

Intrinsic variables required to compute the field before the export. These are typically: frequency, time and phase. It can be provided either as a dictionary or as a string. If it is a dictionary, keys depend on the solution type and can be expressed in lower or camel case as: - "Freq" or "Frequency". - "Time". - "Phase". If it is a string, it can either be "Freq" or "Time" depending on the solution type. The default is None in which case the intrinsics value is automatically computed based on the setup.

plot_namestr, optional

Name of the field plot to create.

field_typestr, optional

Field type to plot. Valid only for Q3D Field plots.


Plot object.


>>> oModule.CreateFieldPlot