PyAEDT documentation |version| =============================== **Useful links**: `Installation `_ | `Source Repository `_ | `Issues `_ PyAEDT is a Python library that interacts directly with the Ansys Electronics Desktop (AEDT) API, enabling straightforward and efficient automation in your workflow. .. grid:: 2 .. grid-item-card:: Getting started :fa:`person-running` :link: Getting_started/index :link-type: doc New to PyAEDT? This section provides the information that you need to get started with PyAEDT. .. grid-item-card:: User guide :fa:`book-open-reader` :link: User_guide/index :link-type: doc This section provides in-depth information on PyAEDT key concepts. .. grid:: 2 .. grid-item-card:: AEDT API reference :fa:`book-bookmark` :link: API/index :link-type: doc This section contains descriptions of the functions and modules included in PyAEDT. It describes how the methods work and the parameter that can be used. .. grid-item-card:: EDB API reference :fa:`book-bookmark` :link: :link-type: url Contains descriptions of the functions and modules included in PyEDB. It describes how the methods work and the parameter that can be used. .. jinja:: main_toctree .. grid:: 2 {% if run_examples %} .. grid-item-card:: Examples :fa:`scroll` :link: examples/index :link-type: doc Explore examples that show how to use PyAEDT to perform different types of simulations. {% endif %} .. grid-item-card:: Contribute :fa:`people-group` :link: Getting_started/Contributing :link-type: doc Learn how to contribute to the PyAEDT codebase or documentation. .. jinja:: main_toctree .. toctree:: :hidden: Getting_started/index User_guide/index API/index {% if run_examples %} examples/index {% endif %}