Create power map ================ The extension allows users to generate power maps for an Icepak design from a CSV file containing geometric and source data. The extension provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for configuration, or it can be used in batch mode via command line arguments. The following image shows the extension GUI: .. image:: ../../../_static/extensions/power_map_ui.png :width: 800 :alt: Create Power Map UI Using the extension ------------------- 1. Open the **Automation** tab in the Icepak interface. 2. Locate and click the **Power Map from File** icon under the Extension Manager. 3. In the GUI, users can interact with the following elements: - **Browse file**: A button to open a file dialog and select the CSV file containing geometric and source data. - **Theme toggle**: A button to switch between light and dark themes for the UI. - **Create**: A button to initiate the power map creation process after selecting the CSV file. 4. Select the desired CSV file and click **Create** to generate the power maps. Command line ------------ The extension can also be used directly via the command line for batch processing. Supported arguments include: - **file path**: The path to the CSV file that contains geometric and source data. - **is batch**: Boolean flag to enable batch mode (set to `True` for batch processing). - **is test**: Boolean flag to indicate if the operation is a test (set to `False` in production). Use the following syntax to run the extension in batch mode: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 ../commandline Example configuration file -------------------------- Here is an example of a power map file: :download:`CSV File example <../../../Resources/icepak_classic_powermap.csv>`