Visualization ============= This section lists modules for creating and editing data outside AEDT. Plot fields and data outside AEDT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PyAEDT supports external report capabilities available with installed third-party packages like `numpy `_, `pandas `_, `matplotlib `_, and `pyvista `_. .. currentmodule:: ansys.aedt.core.modules .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary :nosignatures: solutions.SolutionData solutions.FieldPlot Plot 3D objects and fields ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ModelPlotter is a class that benefits of `pyvista `_ package and allows to generate models and 3D plots. .. currentmodule:: ansys.aedt.core.generic.plot .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary :nosignatures: ModelPlotter Plot touchstone data outside AEDT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TouchstoneData class is based on `scikit-rf `_ package and allows advanced touchstone post-processing. The following methods allows to read and check touchstone files. .. currentmodule:: ansys.aedt.core.generic.touchstone_parser .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary :nosignatures: read_touchstone check_touchstone_files Using the above methods you are getting an object of a class TouchstoneData. The class TouchstoneData is based on `scikit-rf `_, Additional methods are added to provide easy access to touchstone curves. .. currentmodule:: ansys.aedt.core.generic.touchstone_parser .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary :nosignatures: TouchstoneData.get_insertion_loss_index TouchstoneData.plot_insertion_losses TouchstoneData.plot TouchstoneData.plot_return_losses TouchstoneData.get_mixed_mode_touchstone_data TouchstoneData.get_return_loss_index TouchstoneData.get_insertion_loss_index_from_prefix TouchstoneData.get_next_xtalk_index TouchstoneData.get_fext_xtalk_index_from_prefix TouchstoneData.plot_next_xtalk_losses TouchstoneData.plot_fext_xtalk_losses TouchstoneData.get_worst_curve Here an example on how to use TouchstoneData class. .. code:: python from ansys.aedt.core.generic.touchstone_parser import TouchstoneData ts1 = TouchstoneData(touchstone_file=os.path.join(test_T44_dir, "port_order_1234.s8p")) assert ts1.get_mixed_mode_touchstone_data() ts2 = TouchstoneData(touchstone_file=os.path.join(test_T44_dir, "port_order_1324.s8p")) assert ts2.get_mixed_mode_touchstone_data(port_ordering="1324") assert ts1.plot_insertion_losses(plot=False) assert ts1.get_worst_curve(curve_list=ts1.get_return_loss_index(), plot=False) ... Farfield ~~~~~~~~ PyAEDT offers sophisticated tools for advanced farfield post-processing. There are two complementary classes: ``FfdSolutionDataExporter`` and ``FfdSolutionData``. - FfdSolutionDataExporter: Enables efficient export and manipulation of farfield data. It allows users to convert simulation results into a standard metadata format for further analysis, or reporting. - FfdSolutionData: Focuses on the direct access and processing of farfield solution data. It supports a comprehensive set of postprocessing operations, from visualizing radiation patterns to computing key performance metrics. .. currentmodule:: ansys.aedt.core.generic.farfield_visualization .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary :nosignatures: FfdSolutionDataExporter FfdSolutionData This code shows how you can get the farfield data and perform some post-processing: .. code:: python import ansys.aedt.core from ansys.aedt.core.generic.farfield_visualization import FfdSolutionDataExporter app = ansys.aedt.core.Hfss() ffdata = app.get_antenna_data(frequencies=None, setup="Setup1 : Sweep", sphere="3D", variations=None, overwrite=False, link_to_hfss=True, export_touchstone=True) incident_power = ffdata.incident_power ffdata.plot_cut(primary_sweep="Theta", theta=0) ffdata.plot_contour(polar=True) ffdata.plot_3d(show_geometry=False) app.release_desktop(False, False) If you exported the farfield data previously,you can directly get the farfield data: .. code:: python from ansys.aedt.core.generic.farfield_visualization import FfdSolutionData input_file = r"path_to_ffd\pyaedt_antenna_metadata.json" ffdata = FfdSolutionData(input_file) incident_power = ffdata.incident_power ffdata.plot_cut(primary_sweep="Theta", theta=0) ffdata.plot_contour(polar=True) ffdata.plot_3d(show_geometry=False) app.release_desktop(False, False) The following diagram shows both classes work. You can use them independently or from the ``get_antenna_data`` method. .. image:: ../_static/farfield_visualization_pyaedt.png :width: 800 :alt: Farfield data with PyAEDT If you have existing farfield data, or you want to export it manually, you can still use FfdSolutionData class. .. image:: ../_static/farfield_visualization_aedt.png :width: 800 :alt: Farfield data with AEDT Heterogeneous data message ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Heterogeneous data message (HDM) is the file exported from SBR+ solver containing rays information. The following methods allows to read and plot rays information. .. currentmodule:: ansys.aedt.core.sbrplus .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary :nosignatures: hdm_parser.Parser plot.HDMPlotter