
PostProcessor3D.animate_fields_from_aedtplt(plot_name, plot_folder=None, variation_variable='Phase', variations=['0deg'], project_path='', export_gif=False, show=True, dark_mode=False, show_bounding=False, show_grid=False)#

Generate a field plot to an image file (JPG or PNG) using PyVista.


The PyVista module rebuilds the mesh and the overlap fields on the mesh.


Name of the plot or the name of the object.

plot_folderstr, optional

Name of the folder in which the plot resides. The default is None.

variation_variablestr, optional

Variable to vary. The default is "Phase".

variationslist, optional

List of variation values with units. The default is ["0deg"].

project_pathstr, optional

Path for the export. The default is "", in which case the file is exported to the working directory.

export_gifbool, optional

Whether to export the GIF file. The default is False.

showbool, optional

Generate the animation without showing an interactive plot. The default is True.

dark_modebool, optional

Whether to display the model in dark mode or not. The default is False.

show_gridbool, optional

Whether to display the axes grid or not. The default is False.

show_boundingbool, optional

Whether to display the axes bounding box or not. The default is False.


Model Object.