
Modeler3D.create_air_region(x_pos=0, y_pos=0, z_pos=0, x_neg=0, y_neg=0, z_neg=0, is_percentage=True)[source]#

Create an air region.

x_posfloat or str, optional

If float, padding in the +X direction in modeler units. If str, padding with units in the +X direction. The default is 0.

y_posfloat or str, optional

If float, padding in the +Y direction in modeler units. If str, padding with units in the +Y direction. The default is 0.

z_posfloat or str, optional

If float, padding in the +Z direction in modeler units. If str, padding with units in the +Z direction. The default is 0.

x_negfloat or str, optional

If float, padding in the -X direction in modeler units. If str, padding with units in the -X direction. The default is 0.

y_negfloat or str, optional

If float, padding in the -Y direction in modeler units. If str, padding with units in the -Y direction. The default is 0.

z_negfloat or str, optional

If float, padding in the -Z direction in modeler units. If str, padding with units in the -Z direction. The default is 0.

is_percentagebool, optional

Region definition in percentage or absolute value. The default is True`.


3D object.


>>> oEditor.CreateRegion