Import schematic ================ Import different schematic files (ACS, SP, CIR, QCV) into Circuit. The extension provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for configuration, or it can be used in batch mode via command line arguments. The following image shows the extension GUI: .. image:: ../../../_static/extensions/import_schematic_ui.png :width: 800 :alt: Import schematic GUI Using the extension ------------------- 1. Open the **Automation** tab in the Circuit interface. 2. Locate and click the **Import Schematic** icon under the Extension Manager. 3. In the GUI, users can interact with the following options: - Browse for a supported schematic file. - Select the file and ensure its path appears in the text field. - Load the schematic. - Toggle between light and dark themes using the button in the bottom-right corner. 4. Click **Import** to load the schematic into Circuit. Command line ------------ You can also launch the extension directly from the terminal. The script accepts the following argument: - ``**asc_file**``: Specifies the path to the schematic file to be imported. The file must exist and should have one of the supported extensions. Example: `"C:/schematics/example.asc"` Use the following command syntax: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 ../commandline Supported file types -------------------- The following schematic file formats are supported: - **.asc**: Schematic files - **.sp**: SPICE netlist files - **.cir**: Circuit schematic files - **.qcv**: QCV-specific files Each file type can be imported using the GUI or through the command line. Ensure that the file exists at the specified path and is properly formatted.