.. _ref_user_guide: ========== User guide ========== This section provides brief tutorials for helping you understand how to use PyAEDT effectively. For end-to-end examples, see `Examples `_. .. grid:: 2 .. grid-item-card:: Basic tutorial :link: intro :link-type: doc :margin: 2 2 0 0 How to launch AEDT and create a project. .. grid-item-card:: Extensions :link: extensions :link-type: doc :margin: 2 2 0 0 How to use PyAEDT extensions. .. grid-item-card:: Modeler :link: modeler :link-type: doc :margin: 2 2 0 0 How to use 2D and 3D Modeler. .. grid-item-card:: Mesh :link: mesh :link-type: doc :margin: 2 2 0 0 How PyAEDT handles mesh operations. .. grid-item-card:: Settings :link: settings :link-type: doc :margin: 2 2 0 0 How to set the configurations of PyAEDT and AEDT .. grid-item-card:: Setup :link: setup :link-type: doc :margin: 2 2 0 0 How to create a setup and run simulations. .. grid-item-card:: Variables :link: variables :link-type: doc :margin: 2 2 0 0 How to generate parametric models and run optimizations. .. grid-item-card:: Load and manage files :link: files :link-type: doc :margin: 2 2 0 0 How to load and manage input and output files. .. grid-item-card:: Postprocessing :link: postprocessing :link-type: doc :margin: 2 2 0 0 How to generate reports, images, and PDF files. .. grid-item-card:: EMIT Modeler :link: emit_modeler :link-type: doc :margin: 2 2 0 0 How to create and analyze EMIT designs. .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 2 intro extensions modeler mesh settings setup variables files postprocessing emit_modeler