Primitives ========== This section lists the core AEDT Modeler primitives that are supported both in 2D and 3D solvers (HFSS, Maxwell, Icepak, Q3D, and Mechanical): * Primitives * Objects They are accessible through the ``modeler.objects`` property: .. code:: python from ansys.aedt.core import Hfss app = Hfss(specified_version="2023.1", non_graphical=False, new_desktop_session=True, close_on_exit=True, student_version=False) # This call return the Modeler3D class modeler = app.modeler # This call returns a Primitives3D object primitives = modeler # This call return an Object3d object my_box = primitives.create_box([0,0,0],[10,10,10]) my_box = primitives.objects[] # This call return a FacePrimitive object list my_box.faces # This call returns an EdgePrimitive object list my_box.edges my_box.faces[0].edges # This call returns a VertexPrimitive object list my_box.vertices my_box.faces[0].vertices my_box.faces[0].edges[0].vertices ... Objects ~~~~~~~ The following classes define objects properties for 3D and 2D Solvers (excluding HFSS 3D Layout). They contain all getters and setters to simplify object manipulation. .. currentmodule:: ansys.aedt.core.modeler .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary :nosignatures: cad.object_3d.Object3d cad.elements_3d.FacePrimitive cad.elements_3d.EdgePrimitive cad.elements_3d.VertexPrimitive cad.polylines.PolylineSegment cad.polylines.Polyline cad.component_array.ComponentArray cad.components_3d.UserDefinedComponent cad.elements_3d.Point cad.elements_3d.Plane cad.elements_3d.HistoryProps cad.elements_3d.BinaryTreeNode .. code:: python from ansys.aedt.core import Hfss app = Hfss(specified_version="2023.1", non_graphical=False, new_desktop_session=True, close_on_exit=True, student_version=False) # This call returns the Modeler3D class modeler = app.modeler # This call returns a Primitives3D object primitives = modeler # This call returns an Object3d object my_box = primitives.create_box([0,0,0],[10,10,10]) # Getter and setter my_box.material_name my_box.material_name = "copper" my_box.faces[0].center ... Coordinate systems and geometry operators ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This module contains all properties and methods needed to edit a coordinate system and a set of useful geometry operators. The ``CoordinateSystem`` class is accessible through the ``create_coordinate_system`` method or the ``coordinate_systems`` list. The ``GeometryOperators`` class can be imported and used because it is made by static methods. .. currentmodule:: ansys.aedt.core.modeler .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary :nosignatures: cad.modeler.CoordinateSystem geometry_operators.GeometryOperators .. code:: python from ansys.aedt.core import Hfss app = Hfss(specified_version="2023.1", non_graphical=False, new_desktop_session=True, close_on_exit=True, student_version=False) # This call returns the CoordinateSystem object list cs = app.modeler.coordinate_systems # This call returns a CoordinateSystem object new_cs = app.modeler.create_coordinate_system() ... Advanced modeler operations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PyAEDT includes some advanced modeler tools like ``MultiPartComponent`` for 3D component management and ``Stackup3D`` for parametric creation of 3D modeler stackups. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 MultiPartComponent Stackup3D