
SetupHFSS.create_single_point_sweep(unit='GHz', freq=1, name=None, save_single_field=True, save_fields=False, save_rad_fields=False)[source]#

Create a Sweep with a single frequency point.


Unit of the frequency. For example, "MHz or "GHz".

freqfloat, list

Frequency of the single point or list of frequencies to create distinct single points.

namestr, optional

Name of the sweep. The default is None, in which case a name is automatically assigned.

save_single_fieldbool, list, optional

Whether to save the fields of the single point. The default is True. If a list is specified, the length must be the same as the frequency length.

save_fieldsbool, optional

Whether to save the fields for all points and subranges defined in the sweep. The default is False.

save_rad_fieldsbool, optional

Whether to save only the radiating fields. The default is False.

ansys.aedt.core.modules.solve_sweeps.SweepHFSS or bool

Sweep object if successful, False otherwise.


>>> oModule.InsertFrequencySweep


Create a setup named "LinearStepSetup" and use it in a single point sweep named "SinglePointSweep".

>>> setup = hfss.create_setup("LinearStepSetup")
>>> single_point_sweep = setup.create_single_point_sweep(name="SinglePointSweep", unit="MHz", freq=1.1e3)
>>> type(single_point_sweep)
<class 'from ansys.aedt.core.modules.setup_templates.SweepHFSS'>