
FieldsCalculator.add_expression(calculation, assignment, name=None)[source]#

Add named expression.

calculationstr, dict

Calculation type. If provided as a string, it has to be a name defined in the expression_catalog.toml. If provided as a dict, it has to contain all the necessary arguments to define an expression. For reference look at the expression_catalog.toml.

assignmentint or ansys.aedt.core.modeler.cad.object_3d.Object3d or

Name of the object to add the named expression from.

namestr, optional

Name of the named expression. The default is None.

str, bool

Named expression when successful, False when failed.


>>> from ansys.aedt.core import Hfss
>>> hfss = Hfss()
>>> poly = hfss.modeler.create_polyline([[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1]], name="Polyline1")
>>> my_expression = {
...        "name": "test",
...        "description": "Voltage drop along a line",
...        "design_type": ["HFSS", "Q3D Extractor"],
...        "fields_type": ["Fields", "CG Fields"],
...        "solution_type": "",
...        "primary_sweep": "Freq",
...        "assignment": "",
...        "assignment_type": ["Line"],
...        "operations": ["Fundamental_Quantity('E')",
...                        "Operation('Real')",
...                        "Operation('Tangent')",
...                        "Operation('Dot')",
...                        "EnterLine('assignment')",
...                        "Operation('LineValue')",
...                        "Operation('Integrate')",
...                        "Operation('CmplxR')"],
...        "report": ["Data Table", "Rectangular Plot"],
...    }
>>> expr_name =, "Polyline1")
>>> hfss.release_desktop(False, False)