
TwinBuilderComponents.create_voltage_source(name=None, type='E', amplitude=326, freq=50, location=None, angle=0, use_instance_id_netlist=False)[source]#

Create a voltage source (conservative electrical output).

namestr, optional

Name of the voltage source. The default is None.

typestr, optional

Type of the source. The default is E.

amplitudefloat, optional

Amplitude of the waveform if periodic. The default is 326V

freqfloat, optional

Frequency of the periodic waveform. The default is 50Hz.

locationlist of float, optional

Position on the X axis and Y axis. The default value is None.

anglefloat, optional

Angle of rotation in degrees. The default is 0.

use_instance_id_netlistbool, optional

Whether to use the instance ID in the net list or not. The default is False.


Circuit Component Object.


>>> oEditor.CreateComponent