Project configuration file ========================== The project configuration file is the most comprehensive format that allows to apply a set of variables, materials, setup, mesh, and boundaries to a new project or save an existing one. This code creates the JSON file: .. code:: python from pyaedt import Icepak ipk = Icepak() filename = "test" ipk.export_3d_model(file_name=filename, file_path=ipk.working_directory, file_format=".step", object_list=[], removed_objects=[]) conf_file = ipk.configurations.export_config() ipk.release_desktop() This code imports the project configuration from the JSON file: .. code:: python app.modeler.import_3d_cad(file_path) out = app.configurations.import_config(conf_file) File structure examples: :download:`Icepak Example <../../Resources/icepak_project_example.json>` :download:`HFSS 3D Layout Example <../../Resources/hfss3dlayout_project_example.json>` .. code-block:: { "general": { "pyaedt_version": "0.8.dev0", "model_units": "mm", "design_name": "IcepakDesign1", "date": "09/01/2024 08:22:17", "object_mapping": { # object_id: [ # object_name, # object_center # ], "12": [ "Region", [ 80.0, 14.243, -55.0 ] ] }, "output_variables": {}, "variables": {}, "postprocessing_variables": {} }, "setups": { # Setup Name : {Setup Properties} "MySetupAuto": { "Enabled": true, "Flow Regime": "Turbulent", "Include Temperature": true, } }, "boundaries": { # Boundary Name : {Boundary Properties} "CPU": { "Objects": [ "CPU" ], "Block Type": "Solid", "Use External Conditions": false, "Total Power": "25W", "BoundType": "Block" }, }, "mesh": { "Settings": { # mesh_properties, "MeshMethod": "MesherHD", "UserSpecifiedSettings": true, "ComputeGap": true, "MaxElementSizeX": "16mm", "MaxElementSizeY": "3.5mm", "MaxElementSizeZ": "11mm", # .... } }, "materials": { # Material Name : {Material Properties} "Al-Extruded": { "CoordinateSystemType": "Cartesian", "BulkOrSurfaceType": 1, "PhysicsTypes": { "set": [ "Thermal" ] }, "AttachedData": { "MatAppearanceData": { "property_data": "appearance_data", "Red": 232, "Green": 235, "Blue": 235 } }, "thermal_conductivity": "205", "mass_density": "2800", "specific_heat": "900", "thermal_material_type": { "property_type": "ChoiceProperty", "Choice": "Solid" }, "clarity_type": { "property_type": "ChoiceProperty", "Choice": "Opaque" } }, }, "objects": { # Object Name: {object properties} "Region": { "SurfaceMaterial": "", "Material": "air", "SolveInside": true, "Model": true, "Group": "", "Transparency": 0.0, "Color": [ 255, 0, 0 ], "CoordinateSystem": "Global" }, }, "datasets": [ # Dataset Name : {Dataset Properties} ], "monitors": [ # Monitor Name : {Monitor Properties} ], "native components": { # Component Name : {Component Properties} } } For a practical demonstration, see the `Project configuration file example `_