
SetupQ3D.create_linear_step_sweep(unit='GHz', start_frequency=0.0, stop_frequency=2.0, step_size=0.05, name=None, save_fields=True, sweep_type='Discrete')[source]#

Create a sweep with a specified frequency step.

unitstr, optional

Unit of the frequency. The default is "GHz".

start_frequencyfloat, optional

Starting frequency of the sweep. The default is 0.0.

stop_frequencyfloat, optional

Stopping frequency of the sweep. The default is 2.0.

step_sizefloat, optional

Frequency size of the step. The default is 0.05.

namestr, optional

Name of the sweep. The default is None, in which case a name is automatically assigned.

save_fieldsbool, optional

Whether to save the fields. The default is True.

sweep_typestr, optional

Whether to create a "Discrete" or``”Interpolating”`` sweep. The default is "Discrete".

pyaedt.modules.SolveSweeps.SweepQ3D or bool

Sweep object if successful, False otherwise.


>>> oModule.InsertFrequencySweep


Create a setup named "LinearStepSetup" and use it in a linear step sweep named "LinearStepSweep". >>> from pyaedt import Q3d >>> q3d = Q3d() >>> setup = q3d.create_setup(“LinearStepSetup”) >>> linear_step_sweep = setup.create_linear_step_sweep(name=”LinearStepSweep”, … unit=”MHz”, start_frequency=1.1e3, … stop_frequency=1200.1, step_size=153.8) >>> type(linear_step_sweep) >>> q3d.release_desktop(True, True)