
Polyline.chamfer(vertices=None, edges=None, left_distance=1, right_distance=None, angle=45, chamfer_type=0)[source]#

Add a chamfer to the selected edges in 3D/vertices in 2D.

verticeslist, optional

List of vertices to chamfer.

edgeslist, optional

List of edges to chamfer.

left_distancefloat, optional

Left distance from the edge. The default is 1.

right_distancefloat, optional

Right distance from the edge. The default is None.

anglefloat, optional.

Angle value for chamfer types 2 and 3. The default is 0.

chamfer_typeint, optional
Type of the chamfer. Options are:
  • 0 - Symmetric

  • 1 - Left Distance-Right Distance

  • 2 - Left Distance-Angle

  • 3 - Right Distance-Angle

The default is 0.


True when successful, False when failed.


>>> oEditor.Chamfer