Antenna array file ================== The array configuration file allows you to create a 3D Component array from a JSON file. This file can be created using the following command: .. code:: python from pyaedt import Hfss from pyaedt.generic.DataHandlers import json_to_dict hfss = Hfss() dict_in = json_to_dict("array_simple.json") dict_in["Circ_Patch_5GHz1"] = "Circ_Patch_5GHz_232.a3dcomp" dict_in["cells"][(3, 3)] = {"name": "Circ_Patch_5GHz1"} component_array = hfss.add_3d_component_array_from_json(dict_in) hfss.release_desktop() File structure example: :download:`Antenna Array example <../../Resources/array_example.json>` For a practical demonstration, see the `Antenna array example `_.