
TwinBuilder.add_q3d_dynamic_component(source_project, source_design_name, setup_name, sweep_name, coupling_matrix_name, model_depth='1meter', maximum_order=10000, error_tolerance=0.005, z_ref=50, state_space_dynamic_link_type=None, component_name=None, save_project=True)[source]#

Add a Q2D or Q3D dynamic component to a Twin Builder design.


Source project name or project path.


Source Design name in specified project.


Setup name.


Sweep name


Coupling matrix name.

model_depthstr, optional

2D model depth specified as value with unit. To be provided if design is Q2D. The default value is 1meter

maximum_orderfloat, optional

The Maximum Order value specifies the highest order state space system that you can choose while fitting to represent the system behavior. A lower order may lead to less accuracy but faster simulation. The default value is 10000.

error_tolerancefloat, optional

Error Tolerance sets the error tolerance for S-Matrix fitting. The default value is 0.005.

z_reffloat, optional

Sets the value of the Z (ref) in ohms. The default value is 50.

state_space_dynamic_link_typestr, optional

Q3D state space dynamic link type. Possible options are:

  • S for S parameters link type.

  • RLGC for RLGC Parameters link type.

  • EQ for Equivalent Circuit.

The default value is RLGC.

component_namestr, optional

Component name. If not provided a generic name with prefix “SimpQ3DData” will be given.

save_projectbool, optional

Save project after use. The default value is True.


True when successful, False when failed.


>>> oComponentManager.AddDynamicNPortData


Create an instance of Twin Builder.

>>> from pyaedt import TwinBuilder
>>> tb = TwinBuilder()

Add a Q2D dynamic link component.

>>> tb.add_q3d_dynamic_component("Q2D_ArmouredCableExample",
...                             "2D_Extractor_Cable",
...                             "MySetupAuto",
...                             "sweep1",
...                             "Original",
...                             "100mm")
>>> tb.release_desktop()