
Modeler2D.simplify_objects(input_objects_list, simplify_type='Polygon Fit', extrusion_axis='Auto', clean_up=True, allow_splitting=True, separate_bodies=True, clone_body=True, generate_primitive_history=False, interior_points_on_arc=5, length_threshold_percentage=25, create_group_for_new_objects=False)[source]#

Simplify command to converts complex objects into simpler primitives which are easy to mesh and solve.


List of object names to simplify.

simplify_typestr, optional

Simplify type. The default is "Polygon Fit". Options are "Bounding Box", "Polygon Fit", and ``”Primitive Fit”`.

extrusion_axisstr, optional

Extrusion axis. The default is "Auto". Options are "Auto", "X", "Y", and "Z".

clean_upbool, optional

Whether to clean up. The default is True.

allow_splittingbool, optional

Whether to allow splitting. The default is True.

separate_bodiesbool, optional

Whether to separate bodies. The default is True.

clone_bodybool, optional

Whether to clone the body. The default is True.

generate_primitive_historybool, optional

Whether to generate primitive history. The default is False. If True, the history for the selected objects is purged. ```

interior_points_on_arcfloat, optional

Number points on curve. The default is 5.

length_threshold_percentagefloat, optional

Length threshold percentage. The default is 25.

create_group_for_new_objectsbool, optional

Create group for new objects. The default is False.


True when successful, False when failed.