
Maxwell2d.assign_master_slave(master_edge, slave_edge, reverse_master=False, reverse_slave=False, same_as_master=True, bound_name=None)[source]#

Assign dependent and independent boundary conditions to two edges of the same object.


ID of the master edge.


ID of the slave edge.

reverse_masterbool, optional

Whether to reverse the master edge to the V direction. The default is False.

reverse_slavebool, optional

Whether to reverse the master edge to the U direction. The default is False.

same_as_masterbool, optional

Whether the B-Field of the slave edge and master edge are the same. The default is True.

bound_namestr, optional

Name of the master boundary. The default is None, in which case the default name is used. The name of the slave boundary has a _dep suffix.

pyaedt.modules.Boundary.BoundaryObject, pyaedt.modules.Boundary.BoundaryObject

Master and slave objects. If the method fails to execute it returns False.


>>> oModule.AssignIndependent
>>> oModule.AssignDependent