
Hfss3dLayout.import_gds(gds_path, aedb_path=None, control_file=None, set_as_active=True, close_active_project=False)[source]#

Import a GDS file into HFSS 3D Layout and assign the stackup from an XML file if present.


Full path to the GDS file.

aedb_pathstr, optional

Full path to the AEDB file.

control_filestr, optional

Path to the XML or TECH file with the stackup information. The default is None, in which case the stackup is not edited. If a TECH file is provided and the layer name starts with "v", the layer is mapped as a via layer.

set_as_activebool, optional

Whether to set the GDS file as active. The default is True.

close_active_projectbool, optional

Whether to close the active project after loading the GDS file. The default is ‘’False``.


True when successful, False when failed.


>>> oModule.ImportGDSII