
Hfss.export_touchstone(setup_name=None, sweep_name=None, file_name=None, variations=None, variations_value=None, renormalization=False, impedance=None, comments=False)[source]#

Export the Touchstone file to a local folder.

setup_namestr, optional

Name of the setup that has been solved.

sweep_namestr, optional

Name of the sweep that has been solved.

file_namestr, optional

Full path and name for the Touchstone file. The default is None, in which case the file is exported to the working directory.

variationslist, optional

List of all parameter variations. For example, ["$AmbientTemp", "$PowerIn"]. The default is None.

variations_valuelist, optional

List of all parameter variation values. For example, ["22cel", "100"]. The default is None.

renormalizationbool, optional

Perform renormalization before export. The default is False.

impedancefloat, optional

Real impedance value in ohm, for renormalization, if not specified considered 50 ohm. The default is None.

commentsbool, optional

Include Gamma and Impedance values in comments. The default is False.


True when successful, False when failed.