
Circuit.push_time_excitations(instance_name, start=0.0, stop=0.0, harmonics=100, window_type='Rectangular', width_percentage=100.0, kaiser=0.0, correct_coherent_gain=True, setup_name='NexximTransient')[source]#

Push excitations for a transient setup.


Name of the instance.

startfloat, optional

Start time in seconds. The default is 0.0.

stopfloat, optional

Stop time in seconds. The default is 0.0.

harmonicsint, optional

Maximum number of harmonics. The default is 100.

window_typestr, optional

Window type. Available windows are: Rectangular, Barlett, Blackman, Hamming, Hanning, Kaiser, Welch, Weber, Lanzcos. The default is Rectangular.

width_percentagefloat, optional

Width percentage. The default is 100.0.

kaiserfloat, optional

Kaiser value. The default is 0.0.

correct_coherent_gainbool, optional

Enable coherent gain correction. The default is True.

setup_namestr, optional

Name of the solution setup to push. The default is "LinearFrequency".


True when successful, False when failed.


>>> oEditor.PushExcitations