
Stackup.place_instance(component_edb, angle=0.0, offset_x=0.0, offset_y=0.0, offset_z=0.0, flipped_stackup=True, place_on_top=True, solder_height=0)[source]#

Place current Cell into another cell using 3d placement method. Flip the current layer stackup of a layout if requested. Transform parameters currently not supported.


Cell to place in the current layout.

angledouble, optional

The rotation angle applied on the design.

offset_xdouble, optional

The x offset value. The default value is 0.0.

offset_ydouble, optional

The y offset value. The default value is 0.0.

offset_zdouble, optional

The z offset value. (i.e. elevation offset for placement relative to the top layer conductor). The default value is 0.0, which places the cell layout on top of the top conductor layer of the target EDB.

flipped_stackupbool, optional

Either if the current layout is inverted. If True and place_on_top is True the stackup will be flipped before the merge.

place_on_topbool, optional

Either if place the component_edb layout on Top or Bottom of destination Layout.

solder_heightfloat, optional

Solder Ball or Bumps eight. This value will be added to the elevation to align the two layouts.


True when succeed False if not.


>>> edb1 = Edb(edbpath=targetfile1,  edbversion="2021.2")
>>> edb2 = Edb(edbpath=targetfile2, edbversion="2021.2")
>>> hosting_cmp = edb1.components.get_component_by_name("U100")
>>> mounted_cmp = edb2.components.get_component_by_name("BGA")
>>> edb1.stackup.place_instance(edb2, angle=0.0, offset_x="1mm",
...                                   offset_y="2mm", flipped_stackup=False, place_on_top=True,
...                                   )