
EdbNets.generate_extended_nets(resistor_below: int | float = 10, inductor_below: int | float = 1, capacitor_above: int | float = 1, exception_list: list = None, include_signal: bool = True, include_power: bool = True) list[source]#

Get extended net and associated components.

resistor_belowint, float, optional

Threshold of resistor value. Search extended net across resistors which has value lower than the threshold.

inductor_belowint, float, optional

Threshold of inductor value. Search extended net across inductances which has value lower than the threshold.

capacitor_aboveint, float, optional

Threshold of capacitor value. Search extended net across capacitors which has value higher than the threshold.

exception_listlist, optional

List of components to bypass when performing threshold checks. Components in the list are considered as serial components. The default is None.

include_signalstr, optional

Whether to generate extended signal nets. The default is True.

include_powerstr, optional

Whether to generate extended power nets. The default is True.


List of all extended nets.


>>> from pyaedt import Edb
>>> app = Edb()
>>> app.nets.get_extended_nets()